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Progression is the world’s longest-running publication devoted exclusively to coverage of progressive music in all its myriad forms. We began publishing in 1992, chronicling the overlapping worlds of progressive rock and related genres/subgenres. Each issue contains in-depth features by the field’s top writers, outstanding original photography and approximately 150 reviews of the season’s key album releases and reissues, books, DVDs and live events.
ADVERTISING in Progression is an affordable and effective way to spread word about your new release, event or service. The magazine is read by an eager and diverse audience of discriminating music aficionados. These are people who buy quality music on the Internet, in brick-and-mortar stores and regularly attend live music events. They also are interested in high-end audio/video, film, books, travel, microbrews, plus other necessities and diversions favored by those outside the mainstream.
Your ad will get unprecedented exposure, enhanced by the magazine’s three-month shelf life, timeless value as a “collectible” journal, plus complementary online content. CIRCULATION 10,025 FREQUENCY Quarterly, with issues mailing seasonally in winter, spring, summer and fall. DISTRIBUTION International, including numerous regional chains and most of America’s leading independent music stores. More than half of our circulation is mailed directly to paid subscribers representing 29 countries and a comprehensive roster of industry contacts, including musicians, promoters, writers, college/public radio stations, retailers, label personnel and other key movers within the field. UPCOMING ADVERTISING DEADLINES 2015–2016 Please e-mail or phone in your space reservation as soon as possible! Call direct anytime, U.S. 978-425-5295. Messages left via voicemail will promptly be returned. E-mail: [email protected]. Issue No. 72 (spring/summer) artwork deadline June 25, street date July 13, 2017 Issue No. 73 (fall) artwork deadline October. 25, street date November. 15, 2017 TERMS All advertising must be paid by the submission deadline unless prior arrangements are made with the Publisher. All major credit cards are accepted (MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover), as well as Paypal, cash, money order or check drawn on an American bank made payable to Progression. Paypal payments go through [email protected]. Credit card information can be submitted by phone, e-mail or postal mail. Please call Publisher John Collinge, 978-425-5295, or e-mail [email protected]. Payment by post goes to: Progression, P.O. Box 485, Shirley, MA 01464 USA. Discounts are available for multiple insertions paid in advance. Please inquire about adjusted rates. WEBSITE BANNER ADVERTISING Progression offers banner ads at a monthly (30-day) rate of $150, payable upon submission. Banner ads are 1100 pixels wide by 150 pixels high. Column ads also are available. Please contact the Publisher for further details. DESIGN HELP AVAILABLE If you are unable to design an ad yourself we can custom-craft an ad to your specific needs at a competitive price. PRICING For current pricing please contact Publisher John Collinge by phone, 978-425-5295 or e-mail, [email protected]
AD SIZES COLOR AND BLACK & WHITE Quarter page Half-page horizontal Half-page vertical Full page PREMIUM SPACES (full-page color only, please confirm availability) Inside front cover Page 1 Inside back cover Outside back cover AD DIMENSIONS NEW AD SIZES AS OF JUNE 2017 A Quarter page 3.625 inches wide, 4.937 inches tall (92.075 mm wide, 125.39 mm tall) B Half-page vertical 3.625 inches wide, 10 inches tall (92.075 mm wide, 254 mm tall) C Half-page horizontal 7.375 inches wide, 4.937 inches tall (187.325 mm wide, 125.39 mm tall) D Full page 7.375 inches wide, 10 inches tall (187.325 mm wide, 92.075 mm tall) E Full-page bleed 8.75 inches wide, 11.25 inches tall (222.25 mm wide, 285.75 mm tall) SAFE AREA—keep all type and logos within 7.375 in. wide, 10 in. tall TRIM SIZE—of magazine is 8.5 inches wide, 11 inches tall FORMATS ACCEPTED TIFF, JPEG or PDF at 300 dpi. CMYK. All fonts imbedded. No document files (i.e. InDesign, Quark, Word, etc.). If you
need help with anything, please do not hesitate to ask! |
Progression is the journalistic vanguard of progressive music, has been for many years. Ian Anderson (musician, Jethro Tull) Exceedingly thoughtful and incisive, unlike many of today’s modernist scribes. John Wetton (musician, King Crimson/U.K./Asia) The most honestly informative and well-written magazine I’ve seen involving any music genre, not just progressive. For us, advertising new releases in Progression is an automatic. Tony Levin (musician/advertiser, King Crimson/Peter Gabriel/Stick Men) Wow, the layout is phenomenal. All the graphics are gorgeous and thoughtfully laid out. But on top of that, your writing is so engaged and committed. No shortcuts or sloppy thinking in your story or word choices. That is a real gift and, more importantly, true dedication. I am so proud to find my band and life’s work chronicled in your esteemed pages. There is no higher honor than to be deemed worthy of your journalistic craft. Thank you for the glowing words, the encouragement and the opportunity to collaborate professionally. Carl Baldassarre/Syzygy (musician/advertiser) I just wanted to thank you for printing writer Dean Suzuki’s very generous review of my album “Nest” and also for the nice placement of my advertisement in the same issue. I wish you much success in keeping print music journalism alive, and I am happy both to get and to give support in the endeavor. Robert Rich (musician/advertiser) I’m so glad you guys are out there; over the years you’ve been great! My wife and friends think I’m nuts. But if it weren’t for Progression, I wouldn’t have half the music I enjoy now. Progression covers stuff you just don’t see in other magazines. Marc Davis, Hawaii (subscriber) Enclosed is a check for four years. I started my subscription three years ago, also getting every back issue available. I’ve found a wealth of valuable information in these issues. I know these economic times are threatening many publications. I would gladly pay more to prevent this! Thanks again! Ronald Dietzler, Illinois (subscriber) FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS
Q: What distinguishes Progression vs. other magazines or music-oriented websites? A: Progression is in its 25th year of publication as the definitive authority on progressive rock and related subgenres, including: jazz-fusion, jam, prog-metal, experimental, improvisational/free-form, avant-garde, neo-classical, electronic, progressive folk, psychedelic, ambient/new age, instrumental, symphonic and ethnic forms. In this era of ephemeral “here today, gone tomorrow’’ web content dominated by amateur bloggers and Internet hobbyists, Progression is unique — a professionally written and produced print journal showcasing sophisticated, in-depth coverage with consummate journalistic integrity. The magazine is as much a collectible reference guide as a topical periodical, whose active shelf life lasts far beyond its published time frame. Issues dating back to 1996 are available for sale. Q: Why should I advertise in Progression? A: First and foremost, it provides a direct link to your international target audience, including enthusiastic subscribers in 29 countries. Progression’s readership is passionately dedicated to making new music-related discoveries outside the mainstream and relies upon the magazine’s reviews section as an essential consumer guide. Advertising concurrent with a review boosts your profile exponentially, alerting readers to how/where you can be contacted and how your product can he purchased. Advertising in Progression also generates potential benefits beyond direct sales. It brings you and your work to the attention of a highly concentrated niche market comprising independent record labels and distributors, mail-order specialists, other music writers and webmasters who regard Progression as the “Bible” of progressive music. Q: Am I required to advertise for a review to be published? A: No. Although we encourage you to advertise concurrent with a review and offer specially discounted rates for indie artists and labels, this has no bearing on whether your review appears in print. It also has no impact on the review’s content. Reviews are assigned to writers before any advertising is solicited. Q: What if the review of my album is negative? A: The fact your music has been chosen for review indicates it already has made a favorable impression and will be evaluated fairly and objectively on artistic merits. (Roughly half of all submissions to Progression make the cut for review.) Our professional reviews staff comprises veteran writers, most of them musicians with “educated ears” who offer cogent insights transcending the average layman’s opinion. Analyses are concise yet thorough; criticism largely is constructive In tone. Q: Can I see the review before deciding whether to advertise? Can I quote the review in my ad? A: Unfortunately, timing and logistics don’t enable this. Reviews are not received from staff writers until shortly before the magazine goes to press. Progression features approximately 100—150 reviews per issue; there isn’t time for sharing of reviews prior to publication. You may quote the review in your promotional efforts subsequent to publication, including ads in Progression and elsewhere. We only ask that you please include attribution to Progression Magazine. Q: Will my review appear online as well as in the print magazine? A: No, reviews currently are exclusive to the print publication. This might change at a later date as the website continues to evolve. Contact us for details on website banner advertising. Q: I want to advertise but lack the capability and can’t afford to hire a graphic designer. Can you create an ad for me? A: Absolutely. We can custom-craft an ad to your specifications for a competitive fee. Q: Can you place my ad next to the review? A: The only guaranteed ad placements are full-page color ads for inside front cover, inside back and outside back cover and on page 1. Q: Will you send me a copy of the magazine in which the review appears? A: All advertisers will receive a complementary copy by postal mail. High printing and mailing costs prohibit sending complementary copies to non-advertisers. You can order a single copy through the magazine’s online store. Q: If I have more questions, who do I contact? A: Feel free to call or write Publisher John Collinge, 978-425-5295. E-mail for advertising queries is [email protected] |